Thursday, July 23, 2009

Simple Womans Day Book (July 22, 2009 )

For Today... July 22, 2009

Outside my window... green trees blowing in the wind.

From the learning rooms... taking a little break from schooling.

I am thankful for... a great group of ladies that the Lord has brought into my life.

From the kitchen... my son made tater tots for me for lunch. Does that count? :o)

I am wearing... a pair of brown jean type pants, a red short sleeved shirt, a red zippy, and my dds sneakers.

I am reading... 2 Chronicles, The Flames of Rome (for the kids upcoming school year), The Care Net Handbook, and Worship Warriors.

I am hoping... that God will use the broken pieces of my life for His glory.

I am creating... songs of healing.

I am praying... the same thing I'm hoping for. That God would use my broken life for His glory.

Around the house... DDs are at work, DS is a friends, and my other DS is upstairs in his room.

One of my favorite things... worshiping the Lord in song.

A few plans for the rest of the week... heading to ds physical therapy, getting ready to go to Soul Fest next week, and hopefully going to the 'street fair' on Saturday.

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