Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mountain Experience

It has been a couple days since the ending of Soul Fest and I have had time to get things back in order here and reflect on what the Lord has been speaking to me. I went to Soul Fest with an attitude of protection for my daughter, there were things that went on which led up to this attitude.  My heart and mind were ready for a fight and totally on the offensive. The longer I was there the more I realized that the junk of this world doesn't matter. It is temporal, not eternal. That does not mean that injustices should not be dealt with, but God is big enough to handle the injustices. He knows everything about us, and the Bible tells us the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. The Bible also tells us the He works on behalf of those that are Innocent

Praise God for His faithfulness!!

This week was filled with worship, Bible reading, listening to different ministries, visiting with friends, and spending time with my girls. It was great!! :o)

Here is a list of the groups I saw:
Family Force Five (they put on a great show, but really they were all about the show and there was not much ministry)
Skillet (they had an awesome show and they did speak the Word)
Paul Coleman (he used to play with the News Boys)
Newsboys (their new lead singer is the guy from DC Talk. I liked him, though many others there did not. He talked a lot about the Lord and pointed people to Him.)
Alabaster Box (I heard them from my van as I was trying to take a nap. I loved them!!)
Nathalie Grant (Phenomenal singer and another awesome worship time!!)
Casting Crowns (My personal favorite.)
Sanctus Riel (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it. They were incredible!! They totally have hearts for the Lord and it shows in their music.)
Third Day (This is another favorite group of mine. They were really great!!)
Maeve (This is a women's group out of Mass. and boy can they sing!!)

I also saw smaller and less known artists, but they radiated the love of Jesus. It was an amazing 'sicknasty' time!!! :)

If I took anything away from this its to LOVE. Love covers a multitude of sins. Not to judge others. There were some majorly heavy metal bands there, which my 15 year old daughter loves. She told me how they prayed, shared testimonies, and lifted the name of Jesus up. 

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