Saturday, August 29, 2009

What Happens When Mom Doesn't Want to Start School?

I remember as a kid not wanting summer to end. I loved the long summer days of being free to be.....a kid. One would think that being post kid age, I would of given up my rebellious ways. I'm here to testify that I have not. I want to be excited for school to start, but I'm not there.

* I don't have our whole curriculum ordered. We have enough to do school, but there is more I want/need? to get.

* All those wonderful school supplies that I keep seeing at the stores, have yet to make it into the cart. Times are tight, so when I'm looking to buy food or pencils the food always wins out. Unless of course the pencils are flavored, then maybe I would consider it a valid purchase. ;o)

* The school room is so totally not done. Right now the table is covered, and I mean literally covered and stacked with books that need to find a home.

* My mojo is missing and I don't know where I left it. I think the last place I saw it was the end of the school year when I was thinking about .....summer.

So, there it is.

Keeping it real here.

Now, does this mean that I will sit back and not teach my kids? Will I let them just slither off and become, those homeschoolers!!?? You know those ones that you read about in the newspaper, cause you know the newspaper always tells the truth.

No!! I will:

* Use what we have till I buy the rest.

* Use the supplies I have bought through the years and maybe save a penny or two.

* Get the school room ready, and if not then we do have other rooms to use.

* Find my mojo, even if it means heading to the beach to do a unit study on tide pools.

Ahh, yes....... my type of schooling.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I am very fortunate to be able to attend a small women's Bible study and prayer group once a week. Last week we discussed the book of Ruth, and it was very interesting and enlightening. The leader gave 4 points about the book which are examples of the christian life.

1.) The Christian life is a life of choices

2.) The Christian life is a life of work and obedience

3.) The Christian life is a life of dependence

4.) The Christian life is a life of reward

Each of these points goes along with the four chapters in the book of Ruth.

Lets take point one, "The Christian life is a life of choices."

The text is from Ruth chapter one.

Ruth was in a place in her life where she had a couple of major choices. She could stay in her homeland and perhaps get remarried or go with her mother in law Naomi to a land she never knew. I don't know how long Ruth struggled with the issue, but I do know what her choice ultimatly was. " Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, of anything but death separates you and me". ( Ruth 1: 16-17 )

Ruth left her homeland, her family, her gods, and her security to go to a new place. She made a tough choice. When they got to Bethlehem the whole town was stirred up. They talked among themselves about if that was really Naomi and what happened to her. Naomi told them that the Lord had afflicted her and brought her back empty. Then the two women, Naomi and Ruth the Moabite, started their life again.


Choices. I know we all have to make choices every day, but what happens when those choices become life changing ones? Are we ready and willing to step out and follow the Lord, despite how it may appear? Do we want to please so many people that we forget about pleasing and doing the work of the Lord? Ruth's choice was obvious, stay or go. Yet, her choice affected the rest of her life and also the lives of countless others. Our choices matter. We cannot decide for other people, just as Ruth could not decide for her sister in law. We can only decide for ourselves and do what the Lord wants us to do.

Have you had any major choices to make? How did you go about choosing which way to go? How did your choices affect those around you? If you could make your choices over would you change your decisions? How would that affect your life now?

Please take time to read the first chapter of Ruth and answer the questions.

Friday, August 21, 2009

All the Way My Saviour Lead Me

I love that song and it has meant more to me this summer then at any other time in my life. Here is the link to video... HERE

I am so happy that my Saviour is leading me. :o)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Birthday

I normally don't blog about my birthday, but yesterday was too great a day not to blog about!! :o) I turned 42 yesterday and my girls took me to North Conway, which is a town about 45 minutes from us with all kinds of outlet stores and little shops. The girls, who both work, took me shopping. I tried not to get too crazy, but I got a Clean Cotton candle from Yankee Candle and random things from the other stores. After we shopped the girls took me out to lunch at Friendly's. Not only was the food yummy, but the conversation was great!! There is nothing better then sitting in a restaurant with your daughters and chatting like there is no tomorrow. There were no awkward silences, no rolling of the eyes, and no feeling that these two teenagers would rather be somewhere else. ;o) After lunch we headed to the center of North Conway and walked the main street with all the little shops. The girls got some things for themselves, we chatted more, and laughed a lot!! It was a blessed day and I'm so glad I got to spend it with two of my most favorite people in the whole wide world. :o)

Monday, August 17, 2009

My 'Students'

Me and my dd Shannon
My dd Emily last spring before the 'Senior Ball'

DS, Duncan last winter

DS, Max with his cousin who is in the army.

This was taken last fall and is of Duncan.

This is one of my dds, Emily, senior pictures.

Shannon practicing the piano at church.

Duncan at the old craft fair last fall.

All the kids plus Max's girlfriend Lindsay
My 'students' are: Emily who is 17 and is a senior this year. The picture of her in the gown is from going to the Senior Ball with a public school friend.
Shannon is 15 and is a junior.
Duncan is 13 and is in 8th grade.
Max is our first graduate and is starting his second year of college.
Head on over to mythreeboybarians in join in the Not Back to School Month fun!! :o)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Back to School~ Week 2~ School Rooms

It is 'Not Back to School Month' over at mythreeboybarians, and this weeks theme is school rooms or where you school. We school pretty much all over the house, but we do have a contained area for schooling and school stuff. We also have a large table, futon, and a big comfy chair which for some reason were camera shy. ;o)

These are pictures of our school room were taken last winter. If was to take pictures today and post them, it would look very different. Our son is currently using the school room as a bedroom until his brother goes back to college. So you would see a futon that is unmade and clothes scattered on the floor. :0/
Head on over here and join in the fun!! :o)

*** I wanted to share that the room has not been painted in a long time. It used to be the girls bedroom. :o)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Learning to Lean

Learning to lean,
Learning to lean,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.
Finding more power,
Then I've ever known,
I'm learning to lean on Jesus.

I AM learning to lean on Jesus. I have no clue what I'm doing at all. I pray that He will take my life and make it Holy and acceptable to Him. I am nothing. My only hope is in the One who created all things, and I put my trust in Him. Not man. Not money. Not family. Not friends. Only. In. Him.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook~ Aug.7th

Outside my window... a little sun, a little rain, and a lot of green trees.
From the learning rooms... learning about myself and the woman God wants me to be.
I am thankful for... the infallible Word of God.
From the kitchen... not much going on there. :0/
I am wearing... my dds youth group hoodie, jean skirt, and a pair of flip flops.
I am reading... 2 Chronicles, Care Net Notebook, Beauty for Ashes, and The Flames of Rome ( for kids school)
I am hoping... that as I tread out on unknown paths that God will direct my steps.
I am creating... songs of healing.
I am praying... for wisdom in talking to my Pastor (we are leaving the church).
Around the house...getting ds ready to head off to camp tomorrow, going to pick up hubby from work (his cars in the shop), and hopefully spend a little time with him.
One of my favorite things... the smell of camp fire smoke on clothes. :0]
A few plans for the rest of the week... cleaning the house, picking out worship music for Sunday, perhaps talking to Pastor, and working on lesson plans.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Market Basket Sales~~ Aug.1st-8th

These are taken from the Market Basket flier:

Shell Sirloin Steak   $2.99 lb.4
Fresh Ground Beef in 10 lb. Tubes   $1.79  
Cooked Ham  $2.99 lb.
Market Basket American Cheese  $1.99 lb.
Market Basket Milk (Whole, 1%, 2%, Skim)  $1.99
Schrod Haddock Fillets  $4.99 lb.
Dunkin Donuts Coffee 12 oz. bag  $4.99
Red and Green Seedless Grapes  .99 lb.
Wishbone Salad Dressing 16 oz. bottles  2/$3.00
Honey Dew Melons 2/$4.00Wes
Crystal Geysar Water  35 Pack 16.9 oz. bottles  $3.99
Mama Rosie's Spinach Ravioli  13 oz. pks.  5/ $5.00
Welch's Grape Blends 64 oz. 2/$4.00
West Soy Organic Beverages 32 oz. 2/$4.00
M&M's Extra Large Bag Candies 27 oz. bag  $3.99
Tide Laundry Detergent ALL Varieties  100 oz bottle  $10.99
Cascade Dish Detergent 75oz. $3.99
Kellogg's Cereal 
Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran
$2.99 use the $1.00 in store coupon, final price $1.99
Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats  2/$5.00
Kellogg's Pop Tarts 16 Pack 2/$6.00 
There is also a $10.00 Rebate Check Form for when you buy certain Kellogg's items. 
Perdue Breaded Chicken 12 oz. pks. $1.99
Fun Shape Nuggets, Chicken Nuggets, or Cutlets 
Family Pack Nibblers or Patties  35oz. pkg. or 28 oz. chicken strips $3.99
Fresh Chicken Breast Bone In Whole or Split  $1.29 lb.
Boneless Chuck Pot Roast  $1.89 lb.
Ice Cream 56oz. pks.  2/$3.00
Eggo Homestyle Waffles  2/$3.00 
Romaine Lettuce  79. 

That's pretty much the highlights from this weeks flyer. I know there have been some great coupons, that would match the sales. I will try to post the matches about next weeks flyer. 

Mountain Experience

It has been a couple days since the ending of Soul Fest and I have had time to get things back in order here and reflect on what the Lord has been speaking to me. I went to Soul Fest with an attitude of protection for my daughter, there were things that went on which led up to this attitude.  My heart and mind were ready for a fight and totally on the offensive. The longer I was there the more I realized that the junk of this world doesn't matter. It is temporal, not eternal. That does not mean that injustices should not be dealt with, but God is big enough to handle the injustices. He knows everything about us, and the Bible tells us the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. The Bible also tells us the He works on behalf of those that are Innocent

Praise God for His faithfulness!!

This week was filled with worship, Bible reading, listening to different ministries, visiting with friends, and spending time with my girls. It was great!! :o)

Here is a list of the groups I saw:
Family Force Five (they put on a great show, but really they were all about the show and there was not much ministry)
Skillet (they had an awesome show and they did speak the Word)
Paul Coleman (he used to play with the News Boys)
Newsboys (their new lead singer is the guy from DC Talk. I liked him, though many others there did not. He talked a lot about the Lord and pointed people to Him.)
Alabaster Box (I heard them from my van as I was trying to take a nap. I loved them!!)
Nathalie Grant (Phenomenal singer and another awesome worship time!!)
Casting Crowns (My personal favorite.)
Sanctus Riel (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it. They were incredible!! They totally have hearts for the Lord and it shows in their music.)
Third Day (This is another favorite group of mine. They were really great!!)
Maeve (This is a women's group out of Mass. and boy can they sing!!)

I also saw smaller and less known artists, but they radiated the love of Jesus. It was an amazing 'sicknasty' time!!! :)

If I took anything away from this its to LOVE. Love covers a multitude of sins. Not to judge others. There were some majorly heavy metal bands there, which my 15 year old daughter loves. She told me how they prayed, shared testimonies, and lifted the name of Jesus up. 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Not Back to School (Week One Curriculums)

Darcy over at mythreeboybarians is hosting the "Not Back to School" month long meme. Every week will be a different theme starting with this weeks, Curriculum Choices. 

This year I will have 3 homeschoolers in grades 7th, 11th, and 12th. It is funny how now instead of adding 'students' they are graduating and my 'classroom' is getting smaller by the year. We are entering our 14th year of homeschooling, that just blows me away to even to write that out! I cannot believe it has been that long, it seems like just yesterday we started. In our home school journey we have used many different curriculum's, we are a very eclectic home school family. I want to share what we will be using this year, but I will be writing a series on all the curriculum's we have used through the years. I will share the good, bad, and ugly. ;o) My hope is that someone can benefit from our experiences. 

2009-2010 School Year

12th Grader:
SAT Workbook
Write Stuff
Aplogia Chemistry
Teaching Textbooks Geometry
History of Gods Kingdom (Sonlight)
Physical Education
Digital Art
British Literature
New Testament Theory (I'm not sure what I'm using for this, but her hearts desire is missions so this will help her)

11th Grader:
Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2
History of Gods Kingdom (Sonlight)
ABeka Grade 11 Grammar
Physical Education
Writing (this is my daughters passion, so she will be doing a lot of writing through blogging and other things)
Apologia Chemistry
Latin 4 (this is an outside class)
British Literature 
Web-Site Design 

7th Grader
ABecka Grammar
Physical Education
Apologia Astronomy
Saxon Math
Saxon Phonics Program--We have been using this for a couple years and it is really helping him to read better. I highly recommend this for children with learning disabilities. 
Around the World in 180 Days-- We used this years ago with the older children and loved it!! :o)
Typing Tutor

I will add and subtract as necessary throughout the year, but that is a basic list of our curriculum choices for the upcoming year. How about you, what are you using this year? Head on over to Darcy's site and add in your thoughts. 

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Soul Fest 2009--Weather

The girls and I got back from Soul Fest and have had several inquiries about the weather, of all things. Here is an overview of the weeks weather, for those who may be interested.

Wednesday~~ We got there and it was gorgeous and very dry. We were able to set up camp with no mud puddles. As the day progressed the clouds moved in and by the evening we were experiencing torrential down pours. Family Force Five and Skillet were on the main stage, and the rain did not stop them from putting on a great show. I actually think the rain enhance the show, if that's possible. Yes we were soaked, even with rain gear but it was so much fun!! :o)

Thursday~~ This was a gorgeous day. Lots of sun to dry up all the wet stinky mud and there was LOTS of wet stinky mud.

Friday~~ Rainy. It rained all day right up till a couple hours before the headline band the Newsboys. It was a dry concert, aside from the massive mud.

Saturday~~ Another beautiful day. It was hot and sunny all day long. The mud finally dried up and my sneakers were no longer sopping wet.

Sunday~~ When we packed up this morning everything was nice and dry. :o) It did rain tonight though, but I'm now safe and snug in my own home not in my van. ;o)

So, there you have the weather for the week of Soul Fest 2009. :o) I will post about our trip later in the week for any inquiring minds.