Saturday, July 9, 2011

Update on Luke

I'm writing this post from inside Maine Medical Center. My nephew, Luke, was in a car accident 22 days ago and suffered traumatic brain injury.  Luke was life flighted to Maine Medical and at the time the doctors told his parents that he would not live, zero percent chance.  Then they told him that if Luke lived he would be one level above a vegetative state.  His parents did not accept what the doctors said, even if they were "neurological specialists" who had all the answers. I say that with complete and utter sarcasm. :o/  Luke's eyes are open, he moves all his extremities, he laughs (even though he has a trech), he moves his mouth to try to form words, and Luke is pushing through the barriers that the doctors said would not be overcome.  Luke is strong, his family is strong, and God is able to pull them through this. It is not always easy and Luke will have a long road ahead of him, but he has already beat the odds. He is an amazing kid with an amazingly strong family. 

1 comment:

song2vs4 said...

Praying for his continual recovery! Very inspiring.